Weight Loss

Weigh-In Week 93: A Good Start

Well February is off to a good start so far. Today at weigh-in I was down 2.0lbs for a new weight of 157.8lbs and a total loss so far of 93.8lbs.

So far so good. I’ve managed to lose the 2lb gain I had last week – which puts me in a much better place right now then let’s say last year where I would gain and it would take me weeks to lose it again. I’m hoping I can keep the trend. My goal is to lose 4lbs over February. I would be happy with that. I don’t want to lose to fast, especially not now when I’m starting to see my skin wrinkle and sag a bit in places. Must drink more water! Keep myself hydrated!! I have to say I find it a bit difficult during very cold months, and according to Punxsutawney Phil, we’ll have 6 more weeks of winter – bah! HOWEVER! Ontario’s Wiarton Willie, an albino groundhog, has predicted an early spring! Since I’m in Canada, I’m gonna go with Wiarton Willie on this one!

I’ve noticed that I’ve been tagged twice  this past week – once by Charity for the versatile blogger award and second by Latina Barbi for this fun little survey. oh Yay!! Thank you for thinking of me. I’m going to ponder BOTH sets of questions and answer them this weekend. How fun!! 🙂

Okay, short and sweet once again. The next two weeks are going to be crazy at work and I’m coming home late and working early. Boo!

Hope everyone has a good week and don’t let the Valentine chocolates throw you off course!


Stylish Blogger Award!

Oh yay!! I got my first ever blog award 😀 Thank you so much to Betty at The Betty Life!  

Be sure to check out her blog for yummy recipes and fantastic weight loss advice.  She has had an amazing and inspirational journey!

Here are the rules of the Award:

Mention the person who sent you this award (Yay Betty!)

Share seven things about yourself

Award ten recently discovered great bloggers and go tell them they have won!

Seven Random Things About Me:

1. I know every single one of my ‘friends’ on facebook personally and in real life.

2. I listen to Lady Gaga at the gym, exclusively.

3. Since I was a kid I have always wanted to skydive – I hope to make this dream come true after I reach goal!

4. One of my favourite things ever is bird footprints in fresh snow.

5. I want to travel all over Europe – so far I’ve been to England, Scotland, Germany, the Czech Republic, and Poland

6. I love driving fast and have only ever (knock wood) received one speeding ticket – I would race cars if I could.

7. I love the mint-chocolate combination and don’t understand why orange-chocolate is so popular.

Ten Stylish Bloggers:

1. A fatty’s quest to be thin

2. Becoming the Odd Duck

3. Bitch Cakes

4. Brooke Not On A Diet

5. Kat’s Adventures in Dietland

6. Mostly Fit Mom

7. Running for our Lives

8. Wanna Be Thin

9. What The Heck Are Skinny Jeans?

10. The Unlikely Triathlete