Weight Loss

Weigh-In Week 142: Oh 140s, where are ya?

I was able to weigh-in today! I was down 0.4lbs for a new weight of 150.4lbs and a total loss of 101.2lbs. Okay, so not bad. I feel like my body might be getting back to an equilibrium after the large losses I had in December. It’s still in the right direction so all is good. But of course I feel like the 140s are a big tease! I met them once, but alas…I am half a pound away. I was also reminded today that I am close to my healthy BMI (which I will hit at 145lbs) and was asked if I’d set a goal weight. Hmmm…I think goal weight deserves it’s own post, so I’m going to start working on that one.

I also found out that so far I will indeed be able to keep weighing-in on Tuesdays. I’ll have to pop by in the morning to make it happen but it makes me so happy that I can keep my Tuesdays! So the story goes that I’ve taken on a new contract and it requires long working days (12-14hrs) and I won’t be able to take off at lunch to get to my Tuesday meeting. And  I’ll be honest, after a long week at work the last thing I wanted was to wake up to get to a meeting for 9:30am on a Saturday (which would have been the only other meeting I could have made it to).

This new job is an amazing opportunity, but it also comes with some challenges – aside from the long hours I also have crazy unlimited access to food (read: snacks) and my lunches purchased (read: delivery). Now, both of these can lead to really quick weight gain if I’m not careful. It means I have to exercise even more will power during my day as I’m not the one who is deciding what’s in the fridge and what isn’t. So for now, until my schedule gets unmanageable I will aim to make my own lunches each day. I’m off to a good start and this past weekend I made a big batch of this Mexican Rice and Bean Casserole. It holds well during the week and is very filling, especially when using brown rice. I’ve also made a side of steamed veggies to help fill me up. Check out how prepared I am!



My goal is to keep up my good habits and not give in to the processed snacks. I’ve been open with a couple people about how I am to not eat anything out of a box. I’m hoping that by saying it out loud it will help me keep to it! Today’s win (or non-scale victory/NSV) was that I resisted a couple cookies put out on the kitchen table for all to help themselves. They were tiny and I could have popped a couple before I knew what was going on, but as I reached for one, I said stop to myself and…I STOPPED! Small steps to creating life-long habits. I no longer even have a desire to drink pop/soda so I know it can be done 🙂

Weight Loss

Weigh-in Week 125: No weigh-in

Well, the life of a contract worker means sometimes a job is just too good to pass up and weighing-in is just not possible. This was such a week. I got called in to work on an independent film and so off I went.  This will be short and sweet because I’m very tired and need a good night’s sleep tonight.

I always find working on tv or films very, very difficult when dealing with food. Most of your food is provided for, which can be great, but it’s not usually the healthiest of foods. The hours (12+ per day) don’t usually lend themselves to healthy eating/snacking habits. I have to say I caved to day and ate a Tim Horton’s muffin and some timbits. I was working on empty and it was a quick fix. My goal is to be more conscious of what I’m grabbing to eat for the rest of the week. Apples are usually around, so are bananas and oranges so I’ll try to grab one of those instead. Wish me luck and I should be back to regularly scheduled programming next week!

On a positive note, my foot is feeling MUCH better. I think the rest has done it very well. I’ll run a slow 5K this weekend to get back into it and start to increase my training again, but this time I think I’ll avoid running 2 days in a row for now.


Weight Loss

Weigh-in Week 111: The Dance Continues

I’m late on this post! My apologies. I did weigh-in on Tuesday, but since then have been on the go, go, go. I was up 1.2lbs for a new weight of 161.4 and a total loss of 90.2lbs. Back to where I was 2 weeks ago.

I’m out of town until next week for work and this week is proving harder than I thought. Doughnuts and cookies all around me in our makeshift office. I’m working from morning til night and eating properly is very difficult. No time to even sit and eat at a restaurant. Sigh. Also no time for exercise. Double sigh.

I probably won’t be able to post again until this job is done next weekend, but I’ll try. In the meantime enjoy this photo of the delicious coconut doughnut that was my downfall on Wednesday night from Jelly Modern Doughnuts in Calgary!

Weight Loss

Weigh-In Week 98: I’m Afraid

Le sigh. I was able to weigh-in this morning and I was up 1.1lbs for a new weight of 161.3lbs with a total loss of 90.2lbs. Oh dear. Clearly I haven’t gotten control of my food with this current work contract. I have, at the very least!, identified my biggest issue – snacking! I can’t control my snacking. At about 6pm it all goes downhill for me and I can’t stop snacking – bread and spinach dip is my biggest temptation. I munch, munch, munch without measuring and without thought.

How do I expect to lose weight this way?!?! I have no idea. Okay – so here’s a list of all the things that are currently frightening me. I have no solutions at this point. I can only try my best and try to snack better tomorrow – one day at a time. If I’m able to resist the chocolate-covered almonds, I can do this. Right? And to try to stay positive there’s also a (short) list of things I’m proud of…

I’m afraid of:

  • Gaining for a fourth straight week
  • No longer being in the 90s for pounds lost
  • Not being able to control my snacking
  • Not being ready for being around food I don’t control
  • Gaining every week of this contract
  • Not getting back on track
  • Letting my exercise lapse because it’s “easier” and I’m “tired”
  • Falling back into old patterns’
  • That this gain isn’t due to my monthly cycle

I’m proud of:

  • Not having eaten a chocolate-covered almond since a week ago Monday
  • Running today after working a 13 hour day
  • Having exercised both Saturday and Sunday this past weekend.
  • Having ordered steamed vegetables for lunch without sauce.

Hope you’re all having a good week. If you have any suggestions – feel free to pass them along! 🙂