Weight Loss

Weigh-In Week 139: 100lbs lost!

Well ladies and gents, I’ve gots me some big news. I went and weighed-in today (Thursday) because the WW centre’s have been closed for the holidays and guess what!?! After the holiday dinners I am down 2.1lbs for a new weight of 151.5lbs and a total loss of 100.1lbs!!!

Seriously. Here’s the proof:


I got my 100lb medallion as well to add to my key chain. The slightly sad thing is that I got this not at my regular meeting and not with my leader who has seen me through so much and also not with the regular Tuesday WI crowd. The centre is closed next week also for New Year’s day so I guess celebrations will have to wait until January.

What makes this weigh-in extra special is that I battled a storm to get there! We got a whopping 45 cm (18 inches!) of snow from Wednesday night to Thursday afternoon! It’s bit insane. The city isn’t closed and it’ll take a few days to clear it all, but it’s definitely slowed things down. Check out these pictures of my walk this afternoon (yes, I said walk!):



This also marks the occasion to finally update my progress photos. Geez that 10lbs took long enough…ah well…at least I got here! 🙂 Here I am at the gym today. Check them all out on my Progress Photos page to see how far I’ve come.

151 - December 2012 cropped b

151 - December 2012 cropped

Hope everyone is doing well post-holidays! How are you getting back on track? I went to the gym after weigh-in and did a 45 min run and  weight training session. What have you been up to? If you were celebrating, how did the last few days go for you?

Weight Loss

Weigh-in Week 56: 75lbs lost!

Oh yay! I can’t believe it. I weighed in today and was down 2.2lbs for a new weight of 175lbs with a total of 76.6lbs lost so far!

I was NOT expecting this at all. I can usually feel when I’ve lost and today I still felt the same. But lo and behold there was a loss of 2.2lbs!

This means I’ve passed the 75lbs lost milestone at weight watchers and I got a new charm for my keychain. Here’s a pic of my booklet and my charms so far:

I also have my 16 week charm, but I forgot to take a picture of it.  The shiny one is the 75lbs – the others are getting dull from my key chain. My leader also found me an old WW magnet which I am thrilled to have! YIPPEE!!!

I think I’ve passed some sort of a threshold with my weight loss. MANY of my friends and colleagues have been commenting on my loss and paying me compliments. A good friend at work commented how suddenly I’d lost a lot of weight. But I really haven’t. As you all know, it’s actually been a bit slow and frustrating the last couple months. But I think that something has happened with my body – maybe it’s due to weight loss or maybe it’s all the running but it’s definitely changed.

I keep saying “I think” because to be honest I still can’t quite see it. At least not in the mirror. I can feel it when I lie down and feel my sternum and my hip bones, or when I just look at my clavicles, but as far as a whole body change, I don’t see it as much. It’s such a psychoclogical journey I find. I hope my brain will catch up.

What I do know is that I have no summer clothes. Nothing fits anymore. Really it’s a great problem to have, but I’m not looking forward to the cost!!

Rewards · Weight Loss

Weigh-in Week 35: 50lbs Lost!!

WOOHOO!!! I was down 2.4lbs at weigh-in today and I have officially lost 50.4lbs!! I am so excited! I got my 50lbs keychain charm today from the WW leader 🙂 however there were only 4 people at the meeting today.  It is the week after xmas so what did I expect! My leader said she would re-announce it next week if there were more people.

I am on cloud nine! I can’t believe I lost over xmas week – I guess my strategy did work!! And I did manage to exercise yesterday at my brother’s – a half hour on a recumbent bike.

Here’s a photo of my new charm, my other charms, and my stickers marking my 50lbs lost. I ask for stickers both in my PointsPlus book and in my weigh-in booklet. I am such a sucker for those stickers. Seriously.

The most important issue now is…HOW AM I GOING TO REWARD MYSELF?! 😀 I have no idea. I didn’t make a specific plan. I bought those cute bras for my 25lbs. I’ll have to think of something this week!

Here is also my photo of weight lost. A full jug of water and a 10lbs bag of potatoes. THAT’S what I’ve been carrying around with me.


I never want to go back to that. I never want to carry around that kind of extra weight again. I feel amazing lately. This worries me a bit to be honest – because I’m worried that it will derail me and my efforts. I’m worried that I’ll start thinking – “hey, this is great, I’m healthy, I’m good. I don’t need to keep going.” If this happens I KNOW that I will not just stop losing weight, but that I will gain it back.  I know I need to address this issue as it will not just go away when I reach my goal weight and start maintenance.  If I don’t look really deeply at what causes me to gain the weight, I will never be able to maintain my weight loss. To be honest I don’t have the answer to this one yet. This is something I started when I recommitted to weight loss in August and something I continue to explore.

Rewards · Weight Loss

I’ve lost 10%!!!

Tuesday and time for my weekly weigh-in and today is a special occasion. I weighed-in and was down 1.2lbs once again for a total loss of 25.2lbs!  This means I’ve reached my first goal of losing 10% of my body weight.  WOOHOO!!!

It took me a total of 22 weeks to get here. (It says 23 in the picture, but that’s because they accidently stamped Sept 14 twice as you can see).  That seems like a long time – even to me.  But I didn’t really get serious about my recommittment to weight loss until about week 14 /the beginning of August.  Between May 4, 2010 and July 27, 2010 I only lost 6.8lbs.  I kept losing and gaining the same weight over and over again. Well something switched in August. I knew that I could do it, I just wasn’t understanding WHY I wasn’t doing it. So I put my big girl panties on and said enough is enough. I took control and here I am – 18.4lbs down in 9 weeks! Yippee! Here’s a photo of my weigh-in booklet:

It’s such a silly thing – but I really like those 5 pound stickers. They really do keep me motivated. But that’s not the only thing I got. At today’s meeting I also got my 10% keychain AND my 25lb charm :).  For those not familiar with Weight Watchers they give you little gifts for various milestones.  When you lose 10% of your weight you get a key chain, at 16 weeks for attending meetings you get a little charm with clapping hands, and then you get disc charms at 25lbs, 50lbs, and 100lbs, and charms when you hit your goal weight and lifetime status (maintaining for 6 weeks). So far I have my keychain, 16week charm, and 25lb disc!  Here’s a photo of that too:

Just in case any of you are wondering what it says on my sticker card (it’s in French because they were out of English ones when I signed up) it says “Adieu les régimes. Allô la vie.” Which translated means “Good-bye diets. Hello life.”  I have to say that is how I feel – I don’t feel like I’m on a diet, but rather that I’m getting better and better at making healthy life and food choices.

Reaching a goal isn’t complete without a REWARD!  So after my meeting I went out to La Senza and bought myself 3 cute new bras.  I was going to go in and get a new plain black bra, which I did, but then decided this was a good occasion to splurge on a couple of funky ones as well.  Here they are:

Aren’t they the cutest?!  I am feeling absolutely fantastic today.  What a great feeling.  Now onto the next goal – to get out of the 200s!