Weight Loss

Weigh-in Week 117: Ehhh.

Okay so it was bound to happen. I had a gain. But not a big one (certainly not as big as it could have been). I was up 0.6lbs for a new weight of 160.0lbs and a total loss of 91.6lbs. Not so great, but not disastrous.

I’ll be honest, I didn’t want to weigh-in today. Nope. I was certain it was going to be  big gain and I didn’t want to see it. I tried to talk myself out of it by saying I was in another city and I didn’t have time this morning. But seriously, who am I kidding? I could weigh-in, the leader had been letting me, and I had the time – as long as I arrived right when they opened, I would be good.

It took a lot of self-talk to get me there, but I’m happy I went. The gain wasn’t as bad as I had convinced myself it could me and it was just the motivation I need to keep me on track this week. I have a few days left here in NYC and then happily I go home again. I’m excited to sleep in my own bed again and get back to my regular schedule (well as regular as it is!)

The one thing that has really kept me going on the right path food wise these last few weeks has definitely been the NYC fruit stands. I love them! The fruit is cheap and they are conveniently everywhere. I’ve been meaning to grab a photo myself, but here’s one I found online that I think is a very accurate representation:


Alright, I’m off as I am beat. I’m also looking forward to getting back to a better schedule, these 12-hr days, 6 days a week are no picnic!

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